MIS Membership Application

Membership to The Make It Safe is available upon the payment of the subscribe fee of: (A) Ordinary Membership $50.00, (B) Junior Membership, $40.00 Under 18's (C) Senior Membership, $40.00 Over 60's (D) *Corporate Membership, $600.00 Partnerships, Corporate Bodies, Trade Associations, for the period of one year upon approval.
Enter D.O.B in format: DD-MM-YYYY
Please enter contact numbers separated by comma(,).
I ___________________________ agree to abide by the code of conduct listed in the MIS Constitution for members of the Association. I understand I must drive my motor vehicle or as walk as a pedestrian, placing safety first, at all times, and in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Barbados Road Traffic Act. I also promise to set a positive example in my behaviour on the roads of Barbados at all times.


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