The name of the association shall be known as The Make It Safe. The short form of the name shall be MIS (hereinafter referred to as “MIS“).

Motto: Courtesy, Common Sense and Consideration



The Registered Headquarters of the MIS shall be situated at the address registered with the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office (CAIPO), Barbados.



The Association shall not allow any discrimination against any member or individual on the grounds of race, sex or gender, religion, or political affiliations.



The Financial year of the Association shall be from June 1st  to May 31st .



5.1              Executive Committee

Management of MIS shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee comprised of The President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Public Relations Officer, each elected by a simple majority of the MIS members at a properly constituted Annual General Meeting for a term of two years, and two members of MIS appointed by the President for a period of 1 year.

5.2              Patron ?

There shall be one patron and provisions for not more than two (2) Vice Patrons. The Head of State or proper member of Parliament shall be the Patron ex officio.

The above is absolutely confusing and I’m not sure what purpose it serves other than window dressing. Who selects these people?


The Goal of the MIS shall be to engage in or support educational, training, and public awareness programs, where appropriate in collaboration with stake holders and government agencies, to promote all aspects of Road Safety, which may result in reduction of accidents on the roads of Barbados.

Such programmes may include:

6.1       Promoting Road Safety Education through publicity campaigns and a range of publications, focusing on safe road use.

6.2       Developing and promoting Road Safety education in primary and secondary schools.

6.3       Promoting a high standard of driver training before and after completion to driver’s test.

6.4       Promoting Road Safety awareness that would give road users a greater sense of responsibility for preventing accidents as part of their everyday lifestyle.

6.5       Encouraging the observance of and adherence to the laws, rules and regulations governing road use.

6.6       Aid in the development and implementation of laws, rules and regulations which pertain to Road Safety matters.

6.7       Analyse up-to-date trends of road deaths and injuries and accident-related problems and pursue opportunities joint countermeasures in collaboration with stakeholders.

6.8       Prepare and submit proposals to the proper authorities for supplying and improving facilities and amenities for all categories of road users.

6.9       Cooperate fully with all authorities in all matters about Road Safety and with organizations and individuals whose philosophies and activities are complimentary to those of the MIS.

6.10    Augment the resources provided by MIS membership through fund-raising activities, donations of money, gifts, property, chattels, equipment and materials, legacy, or devices for the furtherance of MIS’s objectives.

 6.11   Any other activities consistent with the Goal of MIS that the executive Committee may             identify from time to time.



7.1       MIS is an association between private sector, civil society and governmental organizations who share a common interest in Road Safety and collaborate to reduce road casualties Barbados, by using a partnership approach.

7.2       MIS’s main activities are to show and promote relevant good practice and to support or deliver projects involving collaboration between two or more members which are designed to evaluate and show good practice in reducing the number of road casualties.



8.1         Classification of Membership

Membership shall consist of ordinary, corporate, junior, senior, honorary, reciprocal, invited and non-voting.

8.2         Process of Admission

8.2.1   Every candidate requesting membership of the association shall make an application in a prescribed form, addressed to the Secretary of the Association.

8.2.2   All applications should be accompanied by a signed or electronically signed, declaration form provided by MIS.

8.2.3   The application should be accompanied by documents of proof or any other documents that are required by MIS Executive Committee.

8.2.4   Notice of an application shall be sent by the Secretary of the Association to the Executive Committee, which on approval will give the name to the meeting at which the application is proposed to be considered.

8.2.5   The Executive Committee will decide on the approval of membership, and the category of membership at that meeting or any adjournment thereof or at any later meeting.

8.2.6   The process of admission to MIS is considered completed only after proper membership fees or any other fees levied by the Executive Committee have been paid and a letter of admission issued by the MIS secretary.

8.2.7   Every effort will be made by the Secretary to complete the process within one (1) week after receiving the application, with all relevant documents and a letter of admission or rejection will be notified to the candidate.

8.2.8   During the tenure of membership, if a member becomes eligible to another class of membership, an application to that effect along with relevant documents shall be sent to the Secretary and the Executive Committee will make its decision within four weeks of such request.

8.3         Ordinary Membership

8.3.1   Ordinary Membership is opened to persons over 18 years.

8.4         Junior Membership

8.4.1   Junior Membership is opened to persons under 18 years.

8.5         Senior Membership

8.5.1   Senior Membership is opened to persons over the age of 60 .

8.6         Honorary Membership

8.6.1   An Honorary member must be a person who has proven his/her commitment to Road Safety over an extended period and must be approved by the Executive Committee.

8.6.2   Honorary Members shall have the right to speak, but not the right to vote at meetings of the Association.

8.7         Corporate Membership

8.7.1   Corporate Membership is opened any institution or business entity and must be approved by the Executive Committee.

8.8         Reciprocal Members

8.8.1   Reciprocal Members are those organizations of which MIS is a member and the Executive Committee believes that there would be benefit in them being a member of MIS.

8.8.2   Reciprocal members and MIS agree to waive their respective membership fees.

8.9         Non-Voting Members

8.9.1   Certain organisations may be invited to become non-voting  members of MIS. Membership is subject to acceptance by the Executive Committee without the payment of fees.

8.10        Invited Members

8.10.1 Invited Members may be invited by the Executive Committee on the recommendation of the President because they:

  • are actively engaged in Road Safety activities which complement MIS activities.
  • represent specific aspects of the public interest involved in Road Safety; or
  • can comment and advise MIS’s activities, to contribute knowledge and ideas and supply quality control.

8.11       Register of Members

8.11.1 The Secretary shall keep an up-to-date Register of all the members of MIS with their addresses and other relevant information, as determined by the Executive Committee.



9.1.1   The annual subscription to the Association shall be decided by the Executive Committee and may be changed from time to time by the Executive Committee with a simple majority.

9.1.2   Annual Subscription shall be due and payable in advance not later than the first day of

January in each year, or, in the case of members admitted during the year, at the time of

approval of membership.

9.1.3   An exception to the article 9.2 may be accepted by the Executive Committee, at its discretion, if a member applies to pay the subscription in instalments.

9.1.4   A member in financial good standing is entitled to all privileges of membership of the


9.1.5   Exemption from subscription:

(a) Honorary, reciprocal, invited and non-voting members shall pay no subscription.

(b) The Executive Committee, in the case of the permanent incapacity of any member or for

any other worthy cause, exempt such member from payment of any subscription.

for such period and upon such conditions as the Executive Committee may think fit.

9.1.6   The annual subscription fees for membership shall be as follows; –

(i) Ordinary membership – BDS$50.00.           

(ii) Corporate membership – BDS$500.00.

(iii) Junior and Senior membership – BDS$40.00.

9.2        Re-Eligibility

9.2.1   No person who shall have been a member of the Association and ceased to be such shall be eligible for re-admission until he shall have paid arrears of subscription (if any) due from him/ her to the Association as decided by the Executive Committee.

9.2.2   Provided no person whose former membership shall have been ended under Article 9.8.1. shall, without the earlier sanction of the Executive Committee, be eligible for readmission.

9.3        Duration of Membership

9.7.1   Every member shall remain a member until his membership is ended by the provisions contained in article 9.8 and 9.9.

9.4         Termination of Membership

9.8.1   Membership of the Association shall be ended in any of the following ways, namely:

(a)       By sending a letter of resignation to the Secretary of the Association. The member is liable for any arrears of subscription due at the time of resignation.

(b)       As a result, save as hereinafter provided, if the subscription of the member for any year shall not have been paid on or before the 31st day of December in that year, provided however that upon payment on or before the 31st day of March in the succeeding year of all subscriptions due from such member shall, if eligible, be restored to membership without the necessity to re-apply.

(c)       By expulsion (after enquiry) on the ground that the conduct of the member is detrimental to the honour and interests of the Association or calculated to bring the Association into disrepute, or on the ground that the member has wilfully and persistently refused to follow the Articles of the Association.

9.5         Expulsion

9.5.1   The Executive Committee shall have power to expel from membership of the Association any member whose conduct shall be held by the Executive Committee to be such as makes them liable to expulsion under article 9.4.

9.5.2   Three-quarters of those present and voting at a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be expected for the purpose of exercising the powers conferred by article 9.5.1.

9.5.3   An expelled member shall, despite that they ceased to be a member, be liable to pay all sums due from them to the Association at the time of expulsion.

9.5.4   No member in regard to whom a representation as aforesaid has been made, or whose conduct is under investigation, or is the subject of enquiry by the Executive Committee, or by any Committee authorized in that behalf by the Executive Committee, shall be capable of effectively resigning their membership of the Association, nor shall his membership be terminated in pursuance of article 9.5 of the last preceding Article until the investigation or enquiry is completed and the decision there under is made known. An enquiry or investigation shall, for the purpose of this clause, be deemed to commence at the time when the matter of such investigation or enquiry is first brought officially under the notice of and recognition of the body authorized by or in pursuance of this Article to make such investigation or enquiry, and the member duly notified that they are under investigation. A member expelled under this Article shall have the right of appeal to an extraordinary general meeting.

9.6         Exclusive Groups of Members

9.6.1   Exclusive Groups may be formed of members having distinctive professional interest and

being, by reason either of their ability of numbers or of their local distribution, unable to obtain adequate representation of those interests through the Association.

9.6.2   The formation status and privileges of such Exclusive Groups shall be in the discretion of

the General Body.

9.6.3   The mode of application for the formation of any such Exclusive Group and the means of

ascertaining the view of the members thereof on matters affecting their said interests shall be such as the Executive Committee may from time to time decide, and the Executive Committee may provide for meetings of any such Exclusive Group and for committees.

9.6.4   The Exclusive Group so set up shall elect a group leader who will be a member of the

Executive Committee.

9.6.5   When it appears that the Exclusive Group is no longer needed, it may be dissolved by the

General Body (at annual or extra ordinary meeting) and the group leader will cease to be a member of the Executive Committee.



10.1        Annual General Meeting (AGM): The Association shall in each calendar year hold a general meeting known as its Annual General Meeting in addition to any other meetings in that year. The Annual General Meeting shall be held at a time and date appointed by the Executive Committee, PROVIDED THAT an Annual General Meeting shall be held not earlier than nine (9) months or later than fifteen (15) months after the last Annual General Meeting.

In addition to the Annual General Meeting mentioned above, the Association may hold other extraordinary general Meetings during the year at such time and place as may be fixed by the Executive Committee.

10.2        Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM)

10.2.1 All general meetings other than the AGM as supported in the Article 10.1. shall be called Extraordinary General Meetings.

10.2.2 The Executive Committee, may, whenever it thinks fit, assemble an EGM.

10.2.3 Every requisition to the Executive Committee for calling an EGM shall be sent to the General Secretary and shall express the purpose for which such meeting is to be called; and the Executive Committee shall call a meeting in pursuance thereof to be held no later than twenty-one (21) days from the receipt of the requisition.

10.2.4 If the Executive Committee does not, within twenty-one (21) days from the date of the deposit of a requisition, proceed duly to assemble an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held not more than twenty-one (21) days from the date of the Notice convening such EGM, the petitioner may themselves assemble a meeting for the objects specified in the requisition, but any meeting so assembled shall not be held after the expiration of three months from the date of the deposit of the requisition. A meeting assembled by the petitioner shall be assembled in the same manner as detailed in Article 10

10.2.5 Notice of every EGM specifying the object of the EGM and on whose requisition, it is called shall be sent to each member by the General Secretary at least seven (7) clear days before the day for holding the meeting.

10.2.6 No business may be transacted at an EGM other than business of which notice has been given.

10.3        Emergency General Body Meetings

10.3.1 The Executive Committee may summon an emergency General Body Meeting (with 48 hours’ notice) to inform and discuss urgent and important matters.

10.3.2 However, no conclusions arrived at such meetings are binding on the membership of the association.

10.4        Notice of Meetings

6.4.1 In the case of an Annual General Meeting twenty-one clear (21) days’ notice at the least, and in the case of Extraordinary General Meeting fourteen (14) clear days’ notice at the least, specifying the place, the day, and the hour of meeting, and in the case of special business the general nature of such business (and in the case of an General Meeting specifying the meeting as such) shall be given in manner hereinafter mentioned to all the members and to the Auditors for the time being of the Association. A member wishing to have any matter discussed at the Annual General Meeting shall give at least fourteen (14) days’ notice thereof before the date of such meeting.

10.4.2 Notice may be served by the Association upon any member personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter envelope or wrapper addressed to such member at his address appearing in the Register of members (such address being hereinafter referred to as a registered address).

10.4.3 Any notice sent by post shall be deemed to have been served on the day on which the letter envelope or wrapper containing the same is posted, and in proving such service it shall be sufficient to prove that the letter envelope or wrapper containing the notice was properly addressed and put into the post office. A certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other officer of the Association that the letter envelope or wrapper holding the notice was so addressed and posted shall be prima facie evidence thereof.

10.4.4 The signature to any notice to be given by the Association may be written or printed.

10.4.5 Any notice not provided for by these Articles shall be sufficiently served if advertised in one issue of a newspaper published and circulating in Barbados and having at least two issues weekly, and such notice shall be served on the day of the Issue in which the same appears. 10.4.6 The inadvertent omission to give or to receive notice shall not invalidate the proceedings at any meeting to which the notice relates.

10.5        Business of Annual General Meeting

10.5.1 The ordinary business of an Annual General Meeting shall be:

(a)       such business as stipulated by the Articles of the Association to be transacted at such meeting, including the appointment of an Auditor or auditors (who shall be a professional Accountant or professional Accountants) and approving of his or their payment,

(b)       the election to the vacant posts in the Executive Committee for the ensuring term,

(c)       the reception of such addresses and other communications and the discussion of such matters about Road Safety, as the Executive Committee shall have arranged to be received or discussed at such meeting.

10.5.2 The Executive Committee shall arrange the order of business of an Annual General Meeting. In the case the meeting is adjourned for any other purpose than that of election to fill any vacancies, the business to be transacted at the adjourned meeting shall be specified prior to the adjournment taking place and shall be entered into the minutes and no business shall be transacted at such adjourned meeting which is not so specified and entered.


10.6        Special Business of General Meetings

10.6.1 Special business includes all business discussed or transacted at Extraordinary General Meetings, and all business discussed or transacted at Annual General Meetings except the ordinary business referred to in 10.5.

10.6.2 Chairman: The President of the Association, if present, shall preside as Chairman at the opening of every General meeting. In the absence of the President, the first Vice President shall preside, and in his absence, the Second Vice President shall preside, and in the absence of the previously mentioned officers a Chairman shall be appointed by the meeting from among the floor members of the Executive Committee present at the meeting.

10.6.3 Quorum: Except as hereinafter provided, no business shall be transacted at any Annual General meeting unless there be present a quorum of not less than one-fifth in number of the members entitled to vote there at. At an Extraordinary General Meeting, the quorum shall be at least, one-quarter in number of the members entitled to vote there at. If within a half-hour from the time appointed for the meeting such quorum be not present, the meeting, if assembled upon the requisition of members, shall be dissolved. In any other case it shall stand adjourned for fourteen (14) days, at a time and place to be decided by the Chairman, and notice of such time and place will be published in a daily newspaper at least seven (7) days before the date to which the meeting has been adjourned. If at such adjourned meeting a quorum be not present, those present shall be a quorum.

10.7        Adjournment of Meetings

10.7.1 The Chairman of any General meeting may, with the consent of the meeting, adjourn any business from time to time and from place to place, but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place.

10.8        Voting at General Meetings

10.8.1 At general meetings unless a ballot is demanded by at least five members a declaration by the Chairman that a resolution has been carried, or carried by a particular majority, and an entry to that effect in the book of the proceedings of the Association, shall be sufficient evidence of the fact without proof of the number of proportions of the votes recorded in favour of or against any such resolution. On a show of hands, every voting member present in person shall have one vote. Votes must be given personally. In case of any equality of votes at any General meeting, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

10.8.2 In respect of every resolution passed by a General Meeting of the Association (except a special resolution or an extraordinary resolution or a resolution relating solely to the procedure of the meeting), within one month after the date on which the resolution is passed, the Executive Committee shall hold a meeting for the purpose of implementing the resolution.

10.8.3 If the said meeting of the Executive Committee shall not be held within the said period of one month; then the resolution shall come into operation at once upon the end of the said period of one month.



11.1    The Executive Committee shall include of a President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Public Relations Officer to be duly elected at the Annual General Meeting.

11.2    The elected President and Vice Presidents automatically become the directors of the Association, from election date.

11.3    A term of office shall be two (2) years.

11.4    Officers may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms, at any time but must then take leave for one year before being eligible to hold office again.

11.5    All members of the Executive Committee must adhere to a Code of Conduct which sets out the ethical principles and professional standards of conduct for members.

11.6    The Executive Committee shall appoint Sub-committees from time to time to aid with its various programs or activities.

11.7    The Executive Committee shall decide on the General Policy of the Association and shall approve the estimates of expenditures and disbursements.

11.8    The Executive Committee approves:

  • the business plan,
  • operating budgets,
  • applications from potential members,



12.1    Executive Committee decisions are normally made on a consensus basis. However, if this is not possible, decisions will be valid, if they are supported by at least two-thirds of the Executive Committee members present and voting at the meeting.



13.1    It shall be the duty of every member of the executive to conduct his /herself in a professional manner befitting the aims and goals of the Association to set a positive example for fellow members and all road users.

13.2    Every member of the executive shall always display the necessary discipline, which will harmonize his/her action as to promote the image of the association.

13.3    Each member of the Executive shall behave in a responsible manner on the roads in whatever capacity whether as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, or cyclist, to take us one step closer to safe roads.

13.4    A member found to have contravened the constitution, rules and byelaws of the Association shall, depending on the gravity of the offence, be reprimanded, warned, or suspended for a period of thirty (30) days in the first instance; he/she will be expelled in the second instance.

13.5    An Executive member found to have contravened this Code of Conduct, shall offer his/her resignation to the committee within 14 days. Failing such the committee shall vote and two thirds majority decision shall rule.


Sub committees can be recommended by the Executive Committee. Each sub-committee must be assembled by a member of the Executive.


In case of death, resignation, leave of absence or disability of any kind on the part of any officer, or member of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall appoint member / members to fill the vacancy/ vacancies and act in such office until the next Annual General Meeting


16.1        The President:

  • shall preside at all General Meetings of the Association. He/she shall sign the minutes of all meetings. In case of their absence from a meeting; a Chairperson shall be appointed by a simple majority vote of the members present. In conjunction with the members of the Executive Committee, he/ she shall superintend the general administration of the affairs of the Association.
  • leads and directs the Executive Committee.
  • make high-level decisions that change the association’s financial status or functional processes.
  • is the highest-ranking member of the association.
  • take time to meet with higher-level members to understand any concerns, challenges or issues and may develop innovative solutions to these issues.
  • is responsible for making sure the association follows their vision and mission statement, as well as the company values. enacting policies and procedures that meet these standards.
  • oversees the performances of executives and teams/ committees, to ensure their teams are meeting deadlines, delivering quality work, and reaching departmental goals.
  • creates strategies and directions for teams to follow to improve the association’s efficiency and performance. They may meet with team leads or executive members to receive updates, and to supply constructive feedback on ways for each department to improve its processes.
  • manages the association’s finances to ensure it still is in strong financial standing and that all expenses still are within a strict budget, which they set. They often meet with other finance professionals like staff accountants to remain updated on the company’s finances.

Other duties president might hold include:

  • Brainstorming and planning long-term and high-level strategies to improve organizational processes.
  • Developing and updating association’s procedures and policies as needed
  • Reviewing financial reports and budgets regularly to ensure members spend finances correctly.
  • Finding ways to increase the profitability levels of the association.
  • Analysing company contracts with vendors, clients, donors and investors to ensure all information is correct and to avoid any liabilities.
  • Locating potential investment, alliances, mergers or partnership opportunities with other associations or individuals.


16.2        The 1st Vice-President:

He/she will aid the President in running the affairs of the Association and will manage any specific tasks allotted by the Committee. In the absence of the President, or if his inability to act, the 1st Vice-President shall execute the duties and shall have and exercise all powers of the President.


16.3        The 2nd Vice-President:

He/she will help the President in running the affairs of the Association and any specific tasks allotted by the EC. In the absence of the President and 1st Vice-President, or in case of their inability to act, the 2nd Vice President shall execute the duties and shall have and exercise all powers of the President.


16.4        The Secretary:

shall be entrusted with:

  • ensuring that all correspondence is referred to the President.
  • responsibility for the receipt and logging of ALL routine correspondence and sign all letters on behalf of the Association as may be directed by the Executive Committee.
  • The day-to-day conduct of affairs following the decisions as taken by General Meetings.
  • The setting of any question which requires an urgent solution.
  • The conducting of special duties as set up in the Articles.
  • The interaction with organizations interested in Road Safety and related matters.
  • He/she shall report to the Executive Committee.
  • He/she shall prepare the agenda for all meetings of the Executive Committee and General meetings and preserve minutes of the proceedings and keep a record of the attendance of all members, at the General Meetings.
  • He/she shall send a copy of the agenda of any Annual or Special General Meeting to all members of the association at least seven (7) days before such meetings.
  • He/she shall keep a roll of all members of the Association and such other books as the Executive Committee may direct.
  • He/she shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the Executive Committee from time to time.
  • Shall arrange all meetings, lectures and discussion forums as directed by the Executive Committee from time to time.


16.5        Public Relations Officer

The Public Relations Offices (P.R.O.) shall be:

  • the communication link between the Association and the public. The P.R.O. in his/her communication with the public, must not act in any manner prejudicial to the interests, aims or goals of the Association. He/she must take full responsibility for his/her opinion on any matter which he/she wants to discuss privately or publicly.
  • responsible to the Executive Committee for all literature, press releases and other publicity of the Association.


16.6        The Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:

  • manage the keeping the funds and accounts of the Association in a proper and correct manner.
  • Be entrusted with the management of the expenses and Income.
  • receive all monies paid to the Association and shall within seventy-two (72) hours lodge such monies with the Bankers of the Association in the name of the Association.
  • prepare and give to the Executive Committee a draft budget, in time for consideration by the Annual General Meeting.
  • manage the submission of accurately vouched and audited account to the Executive Committee on a quarterly basis.
  • prepare relevant reports to the general membership as directed by the Executive Committee from time to time.
  • sign all cheques on the Association’s bank account and shall produce all necessary documentation to the co-signees as specified on Article 10 to be countersigned by them.
  • work in close collaboration with the Executive Committee.


16.7        Floor Members

16.7.1 Shall aid the officers of the Committee in running the affairs of the Association. Each member will manage any specific tasks allotted by the Executive Committee.

16.7.2 The group leader(s) of the Exclusive Group(s) shall report about the meetings, activities, and requirements of the respective Exclusive Group(s).

16.7.3 All members are encouraged to show themselves as ‘Members of the MIS’ and to include the MIS logo alongside this statement. Members may make this statement of fact on publications, communications, and presentation material, including their social responsibility policies and actions.

16.7.4 A member may resign at any time by notifying the Secretary in writing (hand delivered or by registered post), seven (7) days prior to date of intended resignation.

16.7.5 The Executive Committee shall have the authority to suspend or recommend expulsion of any member of the Association whose conduct in the Executive Committee’s opinion is to the detriment of the Association.

16.7.6 The members guide the overall MIS through an Executive Committee that is elected by the voting members. The voting members appoints a:

  • President who heads the Executive Committee,
  • 1st Vice President,
  • 2nd Vice President,
  • Secretary,
  • Treasurer, and a
  • Public Relations Officer.


Article 17: FINANCE

17.1    Financial grants and/or sponsorship for the proper and effective operations of the activities of the Association may be sought by, and accepted by, the Executive Committee from legal entities from time to time.

17.2    Fund-raising activities may be organized to aid in garnishing funds to help in developing any projects the Association may undertake.

17.3    Any funds leaving the Association’s bank account must have the relevant documentation duly recorded saying the proper purpose and the necessary signatures.

17.4    Either the President, Vice Presidents or Secretary shall countersign all cheques signed by the treasurer.



18.1    The Executive Committee shall lay before the Association at every Annual General Meeting an Income and Expenditure Account for the period since the preceding account, made up to date not earlier than the date of the next meeting by more than three months.

18.2    The Executive Committee shall also cause to be made out in every calendar year and to be laid before the association at the Annual General Meeting a Balance Sheet as at the date to which the Income and Expenditure account is made up. Every such Balance Sheet shall be signed on behalf of the Executive Committee by two of the members of Executive Committee and shall have attached to it a report by the Executive Committee with respect to the state of the Association’s affairs and the amount, if any, which they propose to carry to reserves. It shall also have the Auditor’s report attached to it.

18.3    The Executive Committee shall also annually prepare an Estimate of the probable income and expenditure of the Association for the coming year and a Report of the proceedings of the Association for the past year and the Balance Sheet and Income and Expenditure Account and the said Estimate and Reports of The Executive Committee shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting.

18.4    The roll of members and other books of the Association shall be made available for inspection by any financial member on application to the Secretary and on giving not less than fourteen (14) days’ notice. The Secretary will have a maximum period of fourteen (14) days to produce such records. Such inspection shall be conducted with due regard to the security of the property of the Association and to the expedition of its business provided that, in any case, reasonable facility is given for the said inspection.



Any matter arising during the Association’s activities, for which these rules apply shall be dealt with by the Executive Committee which shall make the decision to answer any question that may arise out of the interpretation of these rules.



20.1    Amendments to this Constitution may be made at the Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting assembled for that purpose.

20.2    Notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given in writing to the Secretary.

20.3    Such notice shall be publicised by the Secretary not later than one month within receipt of the proposed amendment.

20.4    The Secretary shall assemble a special meeting not later than two (2) months after receipt of the notice of the proposed amendment.

20.5    The proposed amendment is adopted by a majority of two-third (2/3) vote of the members present and qualified to vote, and voting.









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