Safer Pedestrians

Road safety tips to help you walk safely on our roads. 

As a pedestrian, you are one of the most vulnerable road users. So it’s important that you practice good road safety and take personal responsibility in keeping yourself and others safe on our roads.


Top tips for pedestrians 

Whether you’re crossing the road, sharing a footpath with cyclists or walking your child to school, we offer lost of advice and information below to help pedestrians stay safe every day.

Follow our dos and don'ts to make sure you cross the road safely.


Do's Dont's
Do look for a safe place to cross Don't cross at a corner or bend in the road
Do stop and wait near the edge of the path, or edge of the road if there is no path Don't cross near the brow of a hill
Do look right and left and listen for traffic Don't cross near parked vehicles
Do let any traffic coming in either direction pass, then look right and left again Don't cross where there are guard rails along a footpath
Do walk briskly straight across the road when it is clear Don't hold or climb onto moving vehicles
Do continue to watch and listen for traffic while you cross. Don't run across the road.

You should use the following places to cross the road safely:

Zebra crossing 

Things to know before you use a zebra crossing: 

  • You do not have right-of-way over traffic until you step onto a crossing. However, you must never step onto a crossing in such a way as to cause a driver to brake or swerve suddenly.
  • Drivers should stop to let you cross by slowing down as they approach the crossing, and then stop behind the stop line if there is one.
  • You must not cross within the area either side of the crossing marked by zig-zag white lines. If these lines are not provided, you must not cross within an area 15m either side of the crossing.  

To cross safely at a zebra crossing: 

  • You must always watch carefully for approaching traffic.
  • You must place one foot on the crossing to indicate that you wish to cross. 
  • You must wait until traffic has stopped before you start crossing.
  • Where there is a central island, you must treat each side as a separate crossing. 

Pedestrian lights 

To cross safely at pedestrian lights: 

  • You must press the button and wait for the traffic lights to turn red. 
  • You must not cross while the 'wait' or 'red man' light signal is showing. 
  • You must cross with care only when the 'cross now' or 'green man' light signal is showing. 
  • Where there is a central island, you must treat each side as a separate crossing. by waiting for the 'green man' or 'cross now' light signal on each set of lights.  
  • If you are vision-impaired, an audible bleep signal or a vibrating panel on the push button may be in place to indicate it is safe for you to cross.  

Traffic lights 



There are a few safety rules you must follow to help you cross safely at traffic lights: 

  • If you are crossing where there are no light signals for pedestrians, check the lights in both directions. 
  • When the traffic on the road you wish to cross is governed by a red light, cross with care since the lights can quickly turn green for traffic. 
  • Always look out for traffic that might be turning onto the road you wish to cross.  
  • Be aware of multi-flow traffic signals at intersections where traffic lights allow traffic to proceed in some lanes while other lanes are stopped. 
  • Be especially careful at junctions with filter lanes. 

School Wardens

Adult school wardens carry a special ‘STOP’ sign and are allowed by law to stop traffic. 

To cross safely at a school warden crossing you and your children should: 

  • Wait until the school warden raises their 'STOP' sign and traffic remains stopped. 
  • Cross the road walking briskly, but not running, while looking in both directions.  
  • Never cross the road if the warden has their ‘STOP’ sign lowered or is standing at the footpath. 

Take care if you're crossing a road where there are buses. You should also be extra careful when getting on or off buses and when crossing the road at or near bus stops.

Remember, never cross in front of a stopped bus. 

Wearing reflective armbands, high-visibility belts or vests and other reflective or fluorescent clothing will help you to be seen from a distance, especially at night. 


We offer high-visibility materials to anyone who wants some. 

Our research shows that children do not have the ability to safely interact with traffic until they are 12 years old. Before this age, their judgement skills and perception of speed and distance haven’t fully developed. This is why they need the help of an adult to safely walk on and cross the road. 

If you are sharing a path with cyclists, you should always be mindful of their presence. Paths are usually marked with lines to separate you from cyclists – but not always. Be vigilant at all times for everyone’s safety. 

Here are some simple rules you should follow: 

  • Cyclists are generally travelling at a faster speed than you, so do everything you can to avoid collisions that could cause injury to you both. 
  • If you are using a footpath with clearly marked cycle and pedestrian lanes, only walk in your designated lane. 
  • If you are on a footpath with dual markings to show that you are sharing the path with cyclists, watch out and listen carefully as cyclists can often approach you from behind. 

The Barbados Highway Code includes tips and advice on staying safe on our roads.


Pedestrian Road Safety Campaigns

We will be  running many pedestrian road safety campaigns to help you stay safe on our roads. 

Learning from the *Leon Blades book* will help keep you and others safe on our roads.


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