Motto: Courtesy, Common Sense and Consideration
The name of the association shall be “The Make It Safe”. The short form of the name shall be B.R.S.A.
The Financial year of the Association shall be from December to November.
There shall be one patron and provisions for not more than two (2) Vice Patrons. The Head of State or appropriate member of Parliament shall be the Patron ex Officio.
The aims and objectives of the association are: –
- To engage in educational programs on all aspects of Road Safety, which may result in the reduction of collisions on the roads of Barbados.
- To promote Road Safety Education through publicity campaigns and a range of publications, focusing on safe road use.
- To develop and promote road safety education both in primary and secondary schools.
- To promote high standard of driver training before and after completion to driver’s test.
- To promote road safety that road users would have a sense of responsibility, which would become part and parcel of their everyday lifestyle.
- To encourage the observance and adherence of the laws, rules and regulations governing road use.
- To assist in the implementation of laws, rules and regulations which pertain to Road Safety matters.
- To examine the analysis of up-to-date trends of road deaths and injuries and accident-related problems and discuss the potential for joint countermeasures.
- To submit proposals to the appropriate authorities for providing and improving facilities and amenities for all categories of road users.
- To cooperate fully with all authorities in all matters pertaining to Road Safety and with organizations and individuals whose philosophies and activities are complimentary to those of the B.R.S.A.
Article (5)- MEMBERSHIP
Membership of the Association shall consist of the following categories: (a) Ordinary membership. (b) Corporate membership. (c) Junior membership – 16 years and under. (d) Senior membership – 60 years and over and Honorary Members.
- Ordinary membership is opened to a person under 18 years that has been recommended and approved by the Executive Committee
- Junior Membership is opened to a person under 18 years that has been recommended and approved by the Executive Committee
- Senior Membership is opened to a person over the age of 60 who has been recommended and approved by the Executive Committee
- Corporate membership is opened to partnerships. Limited liability companies, Trade associations, corporate bodies or any institution or business and must be approved by the Executive Committee.
- An Honorary member must be a person who has openly demonstrated his/her commitment to Road Safety over an extended period of time and must be approved by the Executive Committee.
- A member may resign at any time by notifying the Secretary in writing (hand delivered or by registered post), seven (7) days prior to date of intended resignation.
- The Executive Committee shall have the authority to suspend or recommend expulsion of any member of the Association whose conduct in the Committee’s opinion is to the interests, aims and objectives of the Association.
- The annual subscription fees for membership shall be as follows; – (i) Ordinary membership-BDS$25. (ii) Corporate membership – BDS$200. (iii) Junior and Senior membership – BDS$20.
- Members whose subscription are in arrears for more than three (3) months, shall cease to be members of the Association. Members may apply for re-admittance on payment of the relevant subscription fees and the approval of the Executive Committee. ALL categories of Subscription fees are subject to review by the Executive Committee from time to time.
The Executive Committee shall comprise of a President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a Public Relations Officer to be duly elected at the Annual General Meeting.
- A team of office shall constitute two (2) years.
- Officers may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms at any time but must then take leave for one year before being eligible to hold office again.
- All members of the Executive Committee must adhere to a Code of Conduct which sets out the ethical principles and professional standards of conduct for members.
The Executive Committee shall appoint Sub-committees from time to time to assist with its various programs or activities.
The Executive Committee shall decide on the General Policy of the Association and shall approve the estimates of expenditures and disbursements.
- It shall be the duty of every member of the executive to conduct his /herself in a professional manner befitting the aims and objectives of the Association to set a positive example for fellow members and all road users.
- Every member of the executive shall always display the necessary discipline, which will harmonize his/her action as to promote the image of the association.
- Each member of the Executive shall behave in a responsible manner on the roads in whatever capacity whether as a driver, passenger, pedestrian, or cyclist, to take us one step closer to safe roads.
- A member found guilty to have contravened the constitution, rules and byelaws of the Association shall, depending on the gravity of the offence, be reprimanded, warned, or suspended for a period of thirty (30) days in the first instance; he/she will be expelled in the second instance.
- An Executive member found guilty to have contravened this Code of Conduct, shall offer his/her resignation to the committee within 14 days. Failing such the committee shall vote and two thirds majority decision shall rule.
Sub committees can be recommended by the Executive council. Each sub-committee must be convened by a member of the executive.
In case of death, resignation, leave of absence or disability of any kind on the part of any officer, or member of the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall appoint a member/members to fill the vacancy/vacancies and act in such office until the next Annual General Meeting
The President/ Vice President
The President or Vice President shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and the Association. In the event of their absence from a meeting; a Chairperson shall be appointed by a simple majority vote of the members present. Either the President or Vice President or Secretary shall countersign all cheques signed by the treasurer.
The Secretary
- The secretary shall be responsible for accurately recording the minutes of all meetings of the Association including Annual General Meetings, Special meetings and any such other meetings as may be held from time to time.
- The Secretary shall be responsible for the receipt and logging of ALL routine correspondence and sign all letters on behalf of the Association as may be directed by the Executive Committee.
- The Secretary shall ensure that ALL correspondence is referred to the President.
- The Secretary shall prepare and distribute all notices for meetings inclusive of copies of minutes of previous meetings.
- The Secretary shall arrange all meetings, lectures and discussion forums as directed by the Executive Committee from time to time.
Public Relations Officer
The Public Relations Offices (P.R.O.) shall be the communication link between the Association and the public. The P.R.O. in his/her communication with the public, must not act in any manner prejudicial to the interests, aims or objectives of the Association. He/she must take full responsibility for his/her opinion on any matter which he/she wants to discuss privately or publicly.
The Treasurer
- The treasurer shall be responsible for the keeping the funds and accounts of the Association in a proper and correct manner.
- The Treasurer shall be responsible for the submission of accurately vouched and audited account to the Executive Committee on a quarterly basis.
- The Treasurer shall prepare relevant reports to the general membership as directed by the Executive Committee from time to time.
- The Treasurer shall sign All eques on the Association’s bank account and shall produce all necessary documentation to the co-signees as specified on Article 8 to be countersigned by them.
- The Treasurer shall work in close collaboration with the President.
Article (10)-FINANCE
- Financial grants and/or sponsorship for the proper and effective operations of the activities of the Association may be sought and accepted by the Executive Committee from legal entities from time to time.
- Fund-raising activities may be organized to assist in garnishing funds to assist in developing any projects the Association may undertake.
- Any funds leaving the Association’s bank account must have the relevant documentation duly recorded stating the appropriate purpose and the necessary signatures.
Each member is entitled to one vote at all meetings. The method of voting shall be decided by the President/Chairperson who shall have a deliberate vote, and in the event of a tie, a casting vote.
- At an Annual General Meeting members who are unable to attend My do so by the form of a proxy vote, however this requires that members signed permission.
The Secretary may call meetings of the Executive Committee by giving seven (7) days’ notice in writing, and full particulars of all matters to be discussed at such meetings and no other matter may be brought up for discussion at such meeting at such meeting. He/she shall call special meetings if requested to do so by not fewer than four (4) members of the Executive Committee, who shall state the nature of the business to be discussed.
- An Extra-ordinary General Meeting shall be called by the Secretary if requested to do so by no fewer than eight (8) members of the Association. Only business foe which the meeting is called shall be discussed. The Quorum for an Extra-ordinary General Meeting is (10) members.
A General meeting of all members of the Association shall be held every quarter unless changed otherwise by the Executive Committee, the location and time to be fixed by the Committee.
The Annual Report of the President and the Treasurer shall be presented to the members of the Association. If at any Annual General Meeting there is no quorum after 30 minutes, those present may form a quorum provided there are ten (10) members, otherwise the meeting shall be adjourned.
Any matter arising in the course of the Association’s activities for which these rules apply shall be dealt with by the Executive Committee which shall make the decision to answer any question the me arise out of the interpretation of these rules.