Corporate Membership

What are the Corporate Membership benefits of MIS?

Corporate MembershipThere are numerous Corporate Membership benefits when you become a member of MIS, including:

• Supporting efforts to enhance road safety and reduce road deaths and injuries in Barbados

• Access to professional road safety advisers and expertise across a wide range of disciplines, including guidance on road safety processes, and  policy development, including assistance with driving for business and fleet safety

• Special rates for conferences (Safer Roads, Driver Focus etc) and specialised training (Key Driver Course, Behavioural Change Course etc)


Individuals, please click here

Membership to Make It Safe is available for: *Corporate Membership, upon the payment of the subscribe fee of $600.00 Partnerships, Corporate Bodies, Trade Associations, for the period of one year upon approval. Corporate Membership+, upon the payment of the subscribe fee of $1,500.00 comes with additional features.
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