Welcome to Make It Safe – MIS

The Make It Safe Inc.
The Make It Safe (MIS) is a non profit, non-governmental association that aims to educate the general public on all matters pertaining to road safety and to do all possible to assist with campaigns, publications, laws and driver/pedestrian/cyclist attitudes to promote road safety for safer roads to save lives.

They are presently governed by an Executive Committee made up of a President, a Secretary, a PR Officer, a Treasurer and an Assistant Treasurer/Secretary.

The executive committee comprises of a young team that are hard-working individuals who volunteer their personal time and services and in many cases put road safety before self to get the job done.

The general public is invited to join the association with the aim of strengthening the team for safer roads in Barbados.

Click here to find our Constitution, Code of Conduct and a registration form that you can download at any time.


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